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Erik Pilgrim, March 23 2022

The Power of Interactive Product Visualization

Industry and customer expectations are changing rapidly, so now in eCommerce, visuals are everything. By allowing your customers to interact with your products visually, you are giving them what they want, the ability to see exactly what they are buying. 

The path to digital transformation for Manufacturers isn’t an easy one to forge. You have data, products, and processes that you’ve spent a lot of time and resources on getting into Salesforce. However, oftentimes the things you do best - create, design, and manufacture products - are occasionally left behind. While a 2D static image or lengthy product manuals are a decent way to show off your products, your customers are expecting more.

Why? They live online now. From social media to collaborating with colleagues virtually, the average person now spends up to 59 hours a week online. 

What if you could use your existing 2D or 3D assets, used to design your products, to enhance your customer's buying experience? Even better, what if all the work you did to get your data into Salesforce related directly to these visuals to empower not only your customers but your Sales and Service teams as well? 

Let’s dive into a few hypothetical use cases:

Interactive Product Visualization for Sales teams

Manufacturers using Salesforce, have complex and highly configurable products. While we would love to think that our Sales teams have photographic memories and can memorize every single way each product can be configured, that’s simply not the case. By relating your existing product records in Salesforce to an interactive visual representation, your Sales team can now speak specifically down to the types of bolts used on a product and show the customer exactly what they are looking at purchasing. Attach the visualization to an opportunity in Salesforce to enhance collaboration when working through the sales cycle. Reduce configuration error, the need for returns, and improve your customer satisfaction. Increase sales conversions, accessories, and add-ons by showing the customer vs. just describing the product.

Interactive Product Visualization for Customer Service teams or Self-Service

Great, we moved the customer along their journey, provided them with exactly what they were looking for and they are happy. But what about when the inevitable happens and the product needs to be serviced or something breaks? By relating a visualization to a service record in Salesforce. Now, when the customer calls in and your Customer Service rep answers the phone, they have an interactive visual to work off of the exact product they purchased and can collaborate to work toward a solution. Want to enable self-service? Great, using Salesforce Communities you can have a customer login, see a product as it relates to an order, click the exact part they need to replace, and kick-off a re-order sales flow. 

Visual Product Configuration for Customers, Partners, and Vendors

We’ve talked a lot about how complex your products are. So how your customers are able to interact with them can make or break a sale. Within the next five years, 75% of B2B procurement spending is expected to happen online. So how do you meet this expectation? By offering a guided selling experience during the configuration process. Remember when we talked about the ability to increase accessory purchases and add-ons? Imagine if your customers could visually see the difference between a standard buildout vs an enhanced option. It’s one thing to have a Sales member describe those or show a static image, but it’s a totally different experience when they can see exactly what it is that hey are buying. 

Now that we’ve explored some use cases can you see how the power of visualization can empower your internal teams, customers, and partners? 

Ready to see how your products look inside of Salesforce? Use this form to request a demo.

Written by

Erik Pilgrim

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