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Event Planning shouldn't be complex, manage it visually with RenderDraw on Salesforce

Revolutionize Event Planning with RenderDraw's Interactive Floorplans in Salesforce

Streamline Event Planning and Management with RenderDraw's Powerful Salesforce Integration

Are you an event planning and management company using Salesforce as your CRM? Do you struggle with managing complex event bookings and visualizing available or reserved spaces at a glance? RenderDraw's innovative solution is here to revolutionize the way you handle event planning within your Salesforce ecosystem. Our powerful integration seamlessly combines interactive floorplans with your Salesforce data, enabling you to streamline your event planning process and boost productivity like never before.

Simplify Event Space Management with Interactive Floorplans

Say goodbye to the hassle of managing event spaces across multiple platforms. RenderDraw's advanced PDF parser extracts your event space floorplans and integrates them effortlessly into Salesforce. With our intuitive AnnotateIt feature, your admins can edit images directly within Salesforce, removing or blurring sensitive information, cropping, enlarging, and more. This seamless integration allows you to centralize your event space management, ensuring that all relevant information is easily accessible within your Salesforce environment.

Effortlessly Link Floorplan Sections to Salesforce Records

Manually drawing boxes or sections on a floorplan is a time-consuming and tedious process. At RenderDraw, we prioritize efficiency, aiming to reduce clicks and streamline your workflow. Our cutting-edge Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology automatically detects and links booth numbers or other text on your floorplans to corresponding Salesforce records. Alternatively, you can select elements by color and link them to custom objects, such as Locations or Areas, tailoring the process to your unique organizational structure. This effortless linking process saves you valuable time and ensures that your event data is always up to date and easily accessible within Salesforce.

Real-Time Visualization and Interaction with Event Data

RenderDraw takes your event planning to the next level by enabling real-time visualization and interaction with your event data. Our customizable data source actions allow you to display real-time information based on your Salesforce data, without any coding required. Instantly identify rented or available spaces by setting up conditional formatting, such as highlighting rented booths in red and available spaces in green. This at-a-glance overview of your event's booking status empowers you to make informed decisions and respond quickly to changes. Additionally, you can add emoji flags to indicate additional statuses or information, further enhancing the visual representation of your event data.

Discover Detailed Record Information with Hover and Click Actions

RenderDraw's interactive floorplans offer multiple layers of discoverability, empowering your team to access detailed record information effortlessly. By simply hovering over a linked area, users can view record details using Salesforce's Compact Layouts, adhering to your organization's visibility rules. Alternatively, display custom Lightning Flows on hover to provide admin-driven information or custom components. This quick access to relevant information streamlines your team's workflow and enhances their decision-making capabilities.When a user clicks on a specific record, RenderDraw allows you to customize the action taken. Set up click actions to direct users to the desired flow or record details, displayed conveniently in a popover. This intuitive navigation eliminates the need for users to navigate through multiple pages to find the information they need, saving valuable time and improving overall efficiency.

Seamless Integration with Your Existing Salesforce Ecosystem

RenderDraw is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing Salesforce ecosystem, ensuring a smooth implementation process. Our components are compatible with Salesforce Professional Edition and above, allowing you to place them anywhere within Salesforce, including record pages, quick actions, and digital experiences. Using the Lightning Experience Builder, you can easily incorporate RenderDraw's interactive floorplans into your existing workflow. Our simple setup guide and dedicated professional services team are here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring a tailored implementation that meets your specific event planning needs.


Enhance Event Planning Efficiency and Productivity

By incorporating RenderDraw's interactive floorplans into your event planning workflow, you can significantly enhance efficiency and productivity. Our solution empowers you to quickly launch actions, take snapshots, change record statuses, and view related information at a glance, all using your existing visual assets and workflows. RenderDraw streamlines your event management process, saving you time and resources, and enabling you to focus on delivering exceptional events. With RenderDraw, you can boost your team's productivity, improve communication, and make data-driven decisions, ultimately enhancing the success of your events.

Ready to Revolutionize Your Event Planning Process?

Don't let complex event bookings and management hold you back. Embrace the power of RenderDraw's interactive floorplans and take your event planning to the next level. Our seamless integration with Salesforce, combined with advanced features like real-time visualization, effortless linking, and customizable actions, empowers you to streamline your event planning process and boost productivity. Contact our team today to schedule a demo and discover how RenderDraw can transform your Salesforce experience and revolutionize your event planning workflow.

Let's take a look together

Immersive 3D product visualization

No additional servers required

Explode 3D models and select specific components

Build a 2D drag-and-drop configurator with product images

Enhanced product configuration with 3D interaction

Available on the Salesforce AppExchange

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