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RenderDraw, October 13 2023

Jumpstarting AppExchange listing process with this Sketch visual template

Hello there, AppExchange enthusiasts! In the vibrant world of Salesforce’s AppExchange, having a listing that stands out is your cue to capturing the attention of potential customers. And what better way to add some zest to your listing than with eye-catching visuals that neatly narrate your solution's tale. However, crafting those visuals can sometimes feel like a marathon. That’s where we step in with a little treat—a free Sketch template to ease your visual crafting journey. This handy template houses 17 artboards, each primed for the various images we’ll delve into in this piece. It’s all about trimming down the time spent—for you and our readers.

The template is available here

These images will be uploaded as part of your AppExchange, visible on the Details > Include Visuals section. 

Visuals: Add a Dash of Color to Your Listing

Sprucing up your listing with visuals is like adding a dash of color to a canvas. Here’s your roadmap:

1. Brand Guidelines Check:

Start by getting acquainted with the Salesforce partner brand guidelines. It’s your playbook to stay in tune with the visual rhythm.

2. Dive into Our Sketch Template:

Leap into the free Sketch template we’re offering. The artboards inside are your stepping stones to crafting visuals that resonate.

3. Preview and Tweak:

Good old “practice makes perfect” rings true. Sneak a peek at your listing, tweak the visuals until they harmonize with your brand’s tune.

Small Logo: Your Brand’s Friendly Nod

A small logo is like a friendly nod from your brand. Use your company logo or craft a unique one that echoes your solution’s vibe.

Large Logo: Embrace the Ease

For the large logo, simplicity is your ally. A neat, uncomplicated image is the ticket to helping customers grasp what they’re beholding.

Screenshots and Videos: Your Solution’s Showcase

Screenshots and videos are your solution’s spotlight moment. They open a window to your solution’s capabilities, enhancing customer engagement.

1. Browse for Ideas:

Take a stroll through trending and popular listings on AppExchange to gather some visual presentation ideas.

2. Artboards at Your Beck and Call:

The artboards in the Sketch template are ready to assist in showcasing your solution, providing a foundational layout for your visual narrative.

3. Caption the Moment:

A crisp caption can be the perfect companion to your visuals, providing a narrative that underscores the functionality showcased.

Obligatory RenderDraw Mention 😉

At RenderDraw, we're experienced at creating listings for the Salesforce AppExchange. Take a gander at RenderDraw on AppExchange or its digital abode RenderDraw.us to see what’s cooking. We ❤️ Salesforce and those that are creating creative solutions to improve the ecosystem.

Wrapping Up

Visuals are the garnish on your listing’s plate and the free Sketch template is your shortcut to getting it just right. Couple that with the visual prowess from RenderDraw, and you’ve got yourself a robust toolkit for an AppExchange listing that’s ready to catch eyes and win nods of approval. Follow this guided path, leverage these resources, and see your listing make a splash on AppExchange!

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